Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Indigenous Locations within the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3

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This is a reference geospatial dataset developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics which provides the most granular form of Indigenous Structure represented in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), currently at Edition 3 (2021). Indigenous Locations (ILOCs) are designed to allow the production and analysis of statistics relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a high level of spatial accuracy, while also maintaining the confidentiality of individuals. It has been designed in consultation with the ABS Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics to incorporate statistical and community requirements wherever possible. ILOCs are geographic areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s). They are designed to represent small Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (urban and rural) that are near each other or that share language, traditional borders or Native Title. They usually have a minimum population of about 90 people. In some cases, Indigenous Locations have a smaller Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population to meet statistical requirements or to better represent the local community. Where a community is too small for confidentiality requirements, it is combined with another, related population. Remaining Statistical Areas Level 1 are combined into larger areas, which will include a more dispersed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. In some cases, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities that are too small to be identified separately have been combined with other nearby and associated communities. This has resulted in some multi-part Indigenous Locations where related communities are represented as a single Indigenous Location but are geographically separate. This enables the release of Census of Population and Housing data and other data for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in a meaningful way, while balancing confidentiality and statistical requirements. There are 1,139 ILOCs covering the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps. Whole ILOCs aggregate to form Indigenous Areas (IAREs). Whole Indigenous Areas aggregate to form Indigenous Regions (IREGs). Indigenous Locations are identified by eight-digit hierarchical codes consisting of a one-digit State or Territory identifier, followed by a two-digit Indigenous Region identifier, a three-digit Indigenous Area identifier and finally a two-digit Indigenous Location identifier. Within each Indigenous Area, Indigenous Location identifiers are unique. When change occurs, old codes are retired and the next available identifier is assigned. Shapefiles for Indigenous Locations and other components of the ABS's Indigenous Structure are available: This catalog entry refers to the latest ASGS release. For all releases refer to the ABS:

Members Features
Title Indigenous Locations within the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3
Has Bounding Box
Type Geometry
As Geojson
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[96.0, -45.0], [168.0, -45.0], [168.0, -9.0], [96.0, -9.0], [96.0, -45.0]]]} geo:geoJSONLiteral

Temporal Coverage
Started At Time 2021 xsd:gYear
Ended At Time 2026 xsd:gYear

Theme Place
About Indigenous Things
Indigenous Demographics
Qualified Attribution
Agent ABS
Hadrole Rights Holder

Hadrole Custodian
Agent ABS

Hadrole Subject Agent Representative

Access Rights Open
Rights Copyright © Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2021
Note Access to customised subsets of the ILOC geospatial reference dataset which aggregate the ILOCs of relevance to indigenous community groups - Land councils and Empowered Communities for example - would be a worthwhile excercise for Place-based case studies. *** QUESTION: First dcat:accessURL is for the ABS description page. Then 2 more in dcat:distribution (one for the linked data edition, one for the spatial dataset)???? Unsure??? *** TODO: Create entry for ASGS (Collection) itself having these parts: ISTRUCT (Collection, describe Indigenous Structure) (done) (done - included here? ok or not?) (done - included here - ok or not?) *** Should the codes and descriptions be described separately from the geospatial boundaries i.e. different forms of the "logical" collection? *** TODO: represent the different temporal editions of ASGS (this one just described the latest). Help needed to Kiss - perhaps add the versions later.
Access Address xsd:anyURI
Date Issued 2021-10-06 xsd:date
Spatial Coverage Australia
Type Catalogued resource
Feature Collection
Date Modified 2021-10-06 xsd:date
Is Part Of Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Edition 3 The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) is a classification of Australia into a hierarchy of statistical areas. It is a social geography, developed to reflect the location of people and communities. It is used for the publication and analysis of official statistics and other data. The ASGS is updated every 5 years to account for growth and change in Australia’s population, economy and infrastructure.
Date Created 2021-10-06 xsd:date
License Creative Commons BY 4.0
Source xsd:token

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