Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Balgo (L)

Instance URI:

Title Balgo (L)
Type Feature
Within Western Australia
Bounded Locality
499 or less
Has Geometry
As Wkt
POLYGON ((127.96938320997195 -20.162165133051946, 127.96938291978041 -20.128216042819346, 127.99488075766834 -20.127738832689108, 127.99447501789199 -20.162164952927096, 127.96938320997195 -20.162165133051946)) geo:wktLiteral

As Geojson The GeoJSON serialization of a Geometry
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[127.96938320997195, -20.162165133051946], [127.99447501789199, -20.162164952927096], [127.99488075766834, -20.127738832689108], [127.96938291978041, -20.128216042819346], [127.96938320997195, -20.162165133051946]]]} geo:geoJSONLiteral

Has Area In Square Meters 10008700.0 xsd:double
Identifier 522001 xsd:token