Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Mesh Block 70018605000

Instance URI:

Title Mesh Block 70018605000
Type Feature
Within Katherine
Rest of NT
Northern Territory - Outback
SA1 70205106703
Northern Territory
Has Area In Square Meters 33800.0 xsd:double
Has Geometry
As Wkt
POLYGON ((132.26547954669033 -14.46343282875496, 132.2663115966584 -14.462380878757724, 132.26799596654857 -14.463563578788545, 132.26709200658368 -14.4646764287853, 132.26547954669033 -14.46343282875496)) geo:wktLiteral

As Geojson The GeoJSON serialization of a Geometry
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[132.26547954669033, -14.46343282875496], [132.26709200658368, -14.4646764287853], [132.26799596654857, -14.463563578788545], [132.2663115966584, -14.462380878757724], [132.26547954669033, -14.46343282875496]]]} geo:geoJSONLiteral

Identifier 70018605000 xsd:token
Type ns8:Commercial