Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Mesh Block 20273610000

Instance URI:

Title Mesh Block 20273610000
Type Feature
Within Ballarat
Rest of Vic.
Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan
SA1 20102101024
Creswick - Clunes
Has Geometry
As Wkt
POLYGON ((143.75368422912226 -37.29601775454554, 143.7539902092449 -37.29425375455395, 143.75427621935995 -37.29260076456178, 143.75812419865588 -37.2930497548084, 143.75755720841428 -37.29646174479372, 143.75368422912226 -37.29601775454554)) geo:wktLiteral

As Geojson The GeoJSON serialization of a Geometry
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[143.75368422912226, -37.29601775454554], [143.75755720841428, -37.29646174479372], [143.75812419865588, -37.2930497548084], [143.75427621935995, -37.29260076456178], [143.7539902092449, -37.29425375455395], [143.75368422912226, -37.29601775454554]]]} geo:geoJSONLiteral

Has Area In Square Meters 132300.0 xsd:double
Identifier 20273610000 xsd:token
Type ns8:Parkland