Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Mesh Block 11002500000

Instance URI:

Title Mesh Block 11002500000
Type Feature
Within Glen Innes
Rest of NSW
New South Wales
New England and North West
SA1 11002119013
Inverell - Tenterfield
Has Geometry
As Wkt
POLYGON ((151.73370553577465 -29.73885158615911, 151.73338655559957 -29.740555816141644, 151.7333556055807 -29.74073636614005, 151.73188031578442 -29.740523615997773, 151.7322349459774 -29.738642166017303, 151.73370553577465 -29.73885158615911)) geo:wktLiteral

As Geojson The GeoJSON serialization of a Geometry
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[151.73370553577465, -29.73885158615911], [151.7322349459774, -29.738642166017303], [151.73188031578442, -29.740523615997773], [151.7333556055807, -29.74073636614005], [151.73338655559957, -29.740555816141644], [151.73370553577465, -29.73885158615911]]]} geo:geoJSONLiteral

Type ns8:Parkland
Identifier 11002500000 xsd:token
Has Area In Square Meters 30500.0 xsd:double