Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Australian Statistical Geography Standard Linked Data API

Mesh Block 10832410000

Instance URI:

Title Mesh Block 10832410000
Type Feature
Within Greater Sydney
Bondi - Tamarama - Bronte
Eastern Suburbs - North
SA1 11801133939
New South Wales
Sydney - Eastern Suburbs
Identifier 10832410000 xsd:token
Has Area In Square Meters 2600.0 xsd:double
Has Geometry
As Wkt
POLYGON ((151.2687458679538 -33.89372816259226, 151.2688547079351 -33.89375099260261, 151.269372607851 -33.89382556265163, 151.26928704781056 -33.894216822646364, 151.268660307913 -33.89412214258702, 151.2687458679538 -33.89372816259226)) geo:wktLiteral

As Geojson The GeoJSON serialization of a Geometry
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[151.2687458679538, -33.89372816259226], [151.268660307913, -33.89412214258702], [151.26928704781056, -33.894216822646364], [151.269372607851, -33.89382556265163], [151.2688547079351, -33.89375099260261], [151.2687458679538, -33.89372816259226]]]} geo:geoJSONLiteral

Type ns8:Residential